Workshop GI Impérios 2024 no Convento da Arrábida
GI Impérios Annual Workshop “Da Ásia às Américas” sponsored by Fundação Oriente, at Arrábida Monastery, 5-6 December 2024.
Workshop GI Impérios 2024 no Convento da Arrábida Read MoreRG EMPIRES AT ICS – ULISBOA
GI Impérios Annual Workshop “Da Ásia às Américas” sponsored by Fundação Oriente, at Arrábida Monastery, 5-6 December 2024.
Workshop GI Impérios 2024 no Convento da Arrábida Read MoreThis pilot project will document old Portuguese-language manuscripts held by East Timorese communities, by identifying the manuscripts and investigating the potential for a follow-up digitisation project.
New project: ‘Ancient Portuguese manuscripts in Timor-Leste: a field survey’ Read More“Evolving research directions in Timor-Leste: land, water, governance”, a mini-workshop with anthropologists Laura Yoder, Lisa Palmer and Susanna Barnes on environmental issues and land and water governance issues in Timor-Leste and Southeast Asia. 14 September, 15h-17h30, at ICS. No registration required.
“Evolving research directions in Timor-Leste” with Laura Yoder, Lisa Palmer, Susanna Barnes Read More“Imagined Racial Laboratories: Colonial and National Racialisations in Southeast Asia”, a new book edited by Ricardo Roque (ICS, University of Lisbon) and Warwick Anderson (University of Sydney), has just been published by Brill as part of the Brill’s Southeast Asian Library Series.
Imagined Racial Laboratories: new book by Roque and Anderson Read MoreRead an interview with Ricardo Roque by Sebestian Kroupa on Portuguese policies of ‘scientific occupation’ and the Colonial Anthropological Missions in “The Pacific Circle blog”.
‘Scientific occupation’ and the Colonial Anthropological Missions: an interview with Ricardo Roque Read MoreLecture by Professor Sanjay Subrahmanyam (UCLA), “Antes e depois de Vasco da Gama: intercâmbios diplomáticos asiáticos e europeus no Oceano Índico Ocidental, 1450-1525”, 25 May, 4.30pm, Auditório Sedas Nunes, ICS-ULisboa.
“Antes e depois de Vasco da Gama”: palestra de Sanjay Subrahmanyam no ICS Read MoreNew article by Ricardo Roque, with Richard Cleminson, in the journal ‘European History Quarterly’, examines the history of blood group studies and racial anthropology in Portugal in the first half of the twentieth-century.
Imagining the ‘biochemical race’: sero-anthropology and racial purity in Portugal Read MoreSofia Sampaio presents the paper “Trânsitos atlânticos, a Amazónia e o arquivo de imagens em movimento”, at the Seminar GI Identidades, 25 November, ICS (Sala Maria de Sousa) or Zoom (link available)
Trânsitos atlânticos, a Amazónia e o arquivo de imagens em movimento Read MoreCláudia Castelo presents the paper “O impacto da cooperação inter-imperial no sistema científico português, 1950-1962”, at the GI ‘Memória, História e Sociedade’ Seminar, on 15 November, 2.30pm, at ICS ( Sala Maria de Sousa) and online, via Zoom.
O impacto da cooperação inter-imperial no sistema científico português, seminário com Cláudia Castelo Read MoreRicardo Roque discusses his research work on the history of collections and colonial violence with Michael Faciejew, in a comprehensive interview for the Mellon Sawyer Seminar ‘The Order of Multitudes’ at Yale University.
The Violence of Collections, interview with Ricardo Roque Read MoreRicardo Roque (2021). in History of Anthropology Review. This essay is one of a series of “Participant Observations” on the removal of the Samuel Morton Cranial Collection from public display and legacies of scientific racism in museums.
Enslaved remains, scientific racism and the work of counter-history Read MoreContribution of ICS researchers at the IMPERIOS Research group to the public debate on the “National Plan Against Racism and Discrimination” of the Portuguese Government, in May 2021. By Cláudia Castelo, Pedro Gomes, Marta Macedo, Matheus Serva Pereira, Ricardo Roque, Ana Margarida Santos, Kevin Soares, and Ângela Barreto Xavier.
Plano Nacional de Combate ao Racismo – Intervenção na Consulta Pública Read MoreNext 18 December, 12h03, via Zoom, double “Science and Empire” webinar on the history of circulation of objects and knowledge, with papers by Sara Albuquerque e Bruno Martinho.
Plants and rhino horns: “Science and Empire”, double webinar (18 December) Read More“Book forum” on Ricardo Roque’s “Headhunting and Colonialism” in the latest issue of the journal “Monde(s)” (2020). With comments by Nadia Vargaftig and Julien Bondaz and the author’s response.
New book forum on “Headhunting and Colonialism” in the journal “Monde(s)” Read MoreThe public debate about the statue of Father António Vieira in Lisbon analyzed by Ângela Barreto Xavier (ICS-UL) and Pedro Cardim (FCSH-NOVA and Associate Researcher at ICS-UL).
Padre António Vieira: por uma história informada e plural Read More