Bishoprics in the Iberian Peninsula and in Asia, in comparative perspective (XVI-XVII centuries)

Kevin Carreira Soares (PIUDHist – ICS-UL) apresentará a comunicação “Bishoprics in the Iberian Peninsula and in Asia, in comparative perspective (XVI-XVII centuries)” na conferência internacional “Contacts & Continuities: 500 Years of Asian-Iberian Encounters”, no dia 9 de julho de 2021, entre as 9:00 e as 10:30h (hora portuguesa)


Bishoprics were critical institutions in the Iberian Peninsula since medieval times. At the beginning of the early modern age, the network of dioceses increased and became a crucial element in the lives of the political centre and its subjects. In parallel, bishoprics quickly multiplied in the overseas territories of the Iberian empires. However, similarly to other institutions, the establishment of these dioceses entailed adaptations to the new territories and produced multiple consequences on the government of the bishoprics. In this presentation I intend to analyse the common features as well as the differences between the bishoprics of the Iberian Peninsula and those, in general much bigger, that were created in Asia, during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Were the Iberian experiences a key element in the understanding of the creation of new bishoprics in Asia during this period? Can it be said that the reasons for the growing number of dioceses in the Iberian Peninsula and in Asia, in the sixteenth century, are connected and interrelated? Finally, is the creation of these new bishoprics part of the processes of territorialisation, as some historians that studied the evolution of justice or local government institutions in America have suggested?

Mais informações e registo aqui.

Imagem de destaque:

SECO, Fernando Álvares, fl. ca 1559-1561
Portugalliae que olim Lusitania, novissima & exactissima descriptio / auctore Vernando Alvaro Secco ; sculp. Baptista Doetecomius. – Escala [ca 1:1200000], 15 Hispanicae leucae 17 1/2 uni gradui competentia. = [7,85 cm]. – [Amesterdam : Jodocus Hondius, 1606?]. – 1 mapa : gravura, aguarelado ; 33,50×49,40 cm, em folha de 35,40×54,10 cm

BNP – cc-812-v. Disponível aqui