Luso-tropicalism and Its Discontents

O livro Luso-tropicalism and Its Discontents: The Making and Unmaking of Racial Exceptionalism, organizado por Warwick Anderson, Ricardo Roque, e Ricardo Ventura Santos foi recentemente publicado pela Berghahn. O livro reúne um conjunto alargado de historiadores e antropólogos numa reflexão crítica sobre o passado e o presente das ideias científicas acerca do excepcionalismo racial luso-brasileiro.


Modern perceptions of race across much of the Global South are indebted to the Brazilian social scientist Gilberto Freyre, who in works such as The Masters and the Slaves claimed that Portuguese colonialism produced exceptionally benign and tolerant race relations. This volume radically reinterprets Freyre’s Luso-tropicalist arguments and critically engages with the historical complexity of racial concepts and practices in the Portuguese-speaking world. Encompassing Brazil as well as Portuguese-speaking societies in Africa, Asia, and even Portugal itself, it places an interdisciplinary group of scholars in conversation to challenge the conventional understanding of twentieth-century racialization, proffering new insights into such controversial topics as human plasticity, racial amalgamation, and the tropes and proxies of whiteness.

Leia aqui INTRODUCTION by Warwick Anderson, Ricardo Roque and Ricardo Ventura Santos.

Click here to see the TABLE OF CONTENTS and Reviews.