Welcome to the EMPIRES Research Group blog-site!
Empires, Colonialism and Post-colonial Societies is a research group of ICS-ULisboa. We are an interdisciplinary team of historians and anthropologists who study, critically and comparatively, the historical past and the present legacies of the long ‘Portuguese colonial empire’.
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GI Coordination: Ricardo Roque
Website Editorial Team: Matheus Serva Pereira & Inês Ponte (co-coord.), Ricardo Roque, Sandra Araújo, Cristina Sá Valentim
Facebook: Maria José Lobo Antunes
WebDesign Support: Inês Ponte
Tel: 217 804 700 Fax: 217 940 274
Instituto de Ciências Sociais
Av. Professor Aníbal de Bettencourt, 9
1600-189 LISBOA – Portugal