Book launch video: “Grandiosos Batuques” Tensões, arranjos e experiências coloniais em Moçambique (1890-1940)

Live book launch video of “«Grandiosos Batuques» Tensões, arranjos e experiências coloniais em Moçambique (1890-1940)” by Matheus Serva Pereira (ICS-UL) is available here. The book was presented by Omar Ribeiro Thomaz (UNICAMP), Lucilene Reginaldo (UNICAMP) and Marílio Wane (INET-md — NOVA FCSH). Paulo Jorge Fernandes (IHC – NOVA FCSH), coordinator of Imprensa de História Contemporânea (publisher), chaired the session

Abstract of the book:

The word “batuque” (drums) has a multiple history. In general, until today, it is used to name different musical performances and practices produced by Africans or Afro-descendants. This book investigates the historical processes around the “batuques” during the Portuguese early colonialism in Lourenço Marques – currently Maputo – and in southern Mozambique (1890-1940). The categories forged by Portuguese colonial discourses were not able to grasp the multiplicity of experiences of African populations and their practices. Through theoretical and methodological Social History framework, perspectives based on the history “from below” and microhistory research in archives, the “batuques” are, in this book, an object of investigation and a privileged window to analyze resistance, tensions and daily arrangements of those who were subordinated by the Portuguese colonizing power in the region.

Portugal, Mozambique, Lourenço Marques Colonialism, Social History, Drumming, Music, Everyday life, Moçambique, História Social, Batuques, Música, quotidiano
The book is available for free download here