Ricardo Roque participates on the Lusoscapes podcast episode: “Reflections on Enduring Empires”.
Welcome to Lusoscapes Episode #4
This episode of Luso-Scapes features a Symposium Snippet, a recording from the 2021 Lusophone Land Legacies in Comparative Perspective Symposium. This snippet includes the closing remarks presented by keynote discussant Dr. Ricardo Roque, as well as the discussion that followed these remarks.
Dr. Ricardo Roque is a Research Fellow at the Institute of Social Sciences at the University of Lisbon. He is also currently an Honorary Associate in the Department of History at the University of Sydney. His expertise lies in the intersections of anthropology and history, and he has conducted extensive research focusing on colonialism, human sciences, and cross-cultural contact in the Portuguese-speaking world, from the nineteenth to–twentieth century. He has published widely in both Portuguese and English, focusing on the history of anthropology, race, and colonial encounters across East Timor, Goa, and Angola. He is the author of “Headhunting and Colonialism: Anthropology and the Circulation of Human Skulls in the Portuguese Empire, 1870-1930”, and has most recently published a two-part essay in the History of Anthropology Review (2021), titled, “Enslaved Remains, Scientific Racisms, and the Work of Counter History (Part One [and Part Two])”. Through his vast experience coordinating varying research initiatives, including his current position as head of the Research Group Empires, Colonialism, and Postcolonial Societies, he compellingly demonstrates the value of interdisciplinary approaches to research—efforts that inspired the collaborative nature on which the Lusophone Land Legacies in Comparative Perspective Symposium was grounded.
This podcast is brought to you with support from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.
Keywords: lusophone land legacies, colonialism, land, terra, sertão, symposium, research, podcast
Works discussed:
Bluteau, R. 1789. Diccionario da Lingua Portugueza Vol. 2. Na Officina de Simão Thaddeo Ferreira.
Figueiredo, C. 2018. Novo Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa, 1913. AM Teixeira
Stoler, Ann L., ed. 2013. Imperial Debris: On Ruins and Ruination. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press.
Symposium summary notes:
The symposium summary can be accessed here.
11:32; 26:51 – Dr. Carmen Oliveira Alveal, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
26:41; 40:51 – Dr. Douglas Kammen, National University of Singapore
26:41; 38:10; 40:51 – Dr. Laura Yoder, Wheaton College (Illinois)
26:56 –Dr. Matthias Röhrig Assunção, University of Essex, UK, Department of History
30:32 – Dr. Aahron de Grassi, San Jose State University, College of Applied Sciences and Arts
36:35; 51:37 – Dr. Tania Murray Li, University of Toronto (Luso-scapes: episode #2)
37: 51 –Dr. Susanna Barnes, University of Saskatchewan, Department of Archaeology and Anthropology
38:10 – Dr. Bernardo Almeida, Leidon University College (Luso-scapes episode #3: Land Formalisation)
45:55 – Dr. Jose Adelima, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Faculdade de Letras e Ciências Sociais
50:29 – Dr. Hans Hagerdal, Linnaeus University, Department of Cultural Studies
This episode was produced by Dr. Susanna Barnes and Michelle Gowan with executive assistance from Jessica Jack.
Music: “If you’re wondering” by Ketsa
Lusoscapes is a podcast about colonialism and land relations in the Portuguese-speaking world.