Podcast: “Descolonizar a História Ibérica na Época Moderna?”

New podcast episode: “Descolonizar a História Ibérica na Época Moderna?”.

The new episode of the podcast of the Research Group “Empires, Colonialism and Postcolonial Societies”, of the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon, is the result of a round table on the theme “Descolonizar a História Ibérica na Época Moderna?”, which took place at the VII edition of the International Meeting of Young Researchers in Early Modern History, on September 22, 2021. The audience will find a discussion on the challenges that a historian faces at the beginning of his/her career, in view of the historiographical debates on the processes of decolonization and the need to find more adequate and effective vocabularies and forms of communication to the challenges of the present

Participants: Pedro Cardim (Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa e CHAM – Centro de Humanidades); Cândido Domingues (Universidade Estadual da Bahia e CHAM – Centro de Humanidades) and Manuel Bastias Saavedra (Max-Planch Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory)

Moderator: Ângela Barreto Xavier (ICS, Universidade de Lisboa).

Production / Organization: Ângela Barreto Xavier, Kevin Carreira Soares e Matheus Serva Pereira.

Edition: Matheus Serva Pereira.

Arte: Ricardo Roque.

The episode is available on AnchorPocket Casts; and Spotify.