Anthropological Pathways and Crossings Knowledge Production and Transfer in and beyond Europe

Patrícia Ferraz de Matos integra a comissão organizadora do ciclo de conferências Anthropological Pathways and Crossings Knowledge Production and Transfer in and beyond Europe, promovido no âmbito da European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA), através das redes  Europeanist network e History of Anthropology Network (HOAN). O evento terá lugar nos dias 21 e 22 de julho de 2021, online.

Inscrições gratuitas e obrigatórias até ao dia 9 de julho de 2021, através deste link

Texto de apresentação:

“No knowledge, and particularly anthropological knowledge, is contingent upon a single tradition but composed of “a multiplicity of practices engaged in a wide variety of contexts” (Moore 1997). Next to ‘major’ European anthropological traditions, ‘minor’ or ‘marginal’ traditions in and beyond Europe bloomed and supported intellectual interactions by way of “travelling theory” (Said 1982) at different points in time, and dynamically produced and disseminated anthropological knowledge.

Based on these premises, the Europeanist Network and the History of Anthropology Network aim to challenge the narrative of major, self-standing European traditions. We invite contributors to investigate the complexities and the embeddedness of anthropological knowledge transfer in and beyond European(ist) research, especially emphasizing the work at/between the ‘margins’—both geographic and conceptual—in past and present times.

We are interested in:

  1. How past and present anthropological knowledge emerge(d) and disseminate(d) its trajectories, hubs, and changes over time among different anthropological traditions;
  2. How anthropological traditions cross(ed) and communicate(d) knowledge.

We will address questions like: What sites of knowledge institutionalization are involved? What producers/actors and scientific areas are implied? In which venues and through which format (oral, written, visual, digital) is anthropological knowledge disseminated? Special attention will be given to pathways and crossings within and outside ‘minor’ European traditions between 19th-21st centuries, and through different conceptual, political, academic, geographical, status, and gender borders. We welcome original case studies from ethnographical and historical perspectives as well as papers critically addressing these topics within the larger theoretical developments in contemporary anthropology.”

Programa completo, inscrição e resumos aqui